Thursday, October 6, 2011


The Oxford English Dictionary defines forgiveness as 'to grant free pardon and to give up all claim on account of an offense or debt'.

forgive forgive FORGIVE!!!

every religeon emphisizes making amends with others and god. well maybe except satanism but i cant really say.

christianity: forgiveness is through jesus christ, through him one finds peace with god.

islam: god is "al-ghaffur" all forgiving, and to recive forgiveness you must recognize your offense, make a commitment to not repeat your mistakes, and ask forgiveness from god.

hinduism: "prayaschittha" atoning from ones wrong doings. karma is a sum of all that an individual has done, is currently doing and will do. the effects of those deeds and these deeds actively create present and future experiences, thus making one responsible for one's own life, and the pain in others.

judaism: teshuva. the act of returning to god. there is no middle man, all have the power to return to hashem, if you have a sincere mind and a willing mind. ask for forgiveness from others, because they are betzelem elohim, the divinity of god resides in all people, if you wrong a person, you have wronged god. you must ask forgiveness from the people you have hurt, make amends and be reconciled in order for forgiveness. also you must make a vow with yourself not to repeat what youve done to any other person.

humans have limitations, we are not perfect. i have limitations, i am not perfect. i recognize that i have not treated others the way i want to be treated, i have not been kind and loving to strangers, i have not preformed mitzvot with a whole heart, i have not put 100% into all of my actions, i have not been fully compatiuonate, i have not honored my parents, i have taken care of mother earth as much i should, i have lied, i have cheated, i have been stubborn, i have been angry. i have been all these things, and its time to reflect on who i want to become.

i want to be kind, i want to excude love, i want to be open and compationate, i want to be giving and grateful in my life, i must become more proactive in all that i do, i want to create beauty in this world.

i want to be able to forgive myself.

i am human & i have limitations.

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