Monday, April 30, 2012

fun with frida

yesterday i had the most wonderful opportunity to go to LACMA with my aunt & uncle & cousins to see FRIDA KHALO (all time favorite artist) 
and other surrealist women artist (goddess power)
side note: when i was in mexico city almost 3 years ago i went to FKs house in coyacan....thats right. im obsessed
i didnt know how to prepare myself (like the dalai lama)
i connect with her art on such a deep level
when i stood there looking at her first painting
i literally only stared at it for 20 MINUETS 
my uncle timed it and teased me about it later
i couldnt help myself
because i was beside myself with emotion

why do i connect with FK??
through pain 
through sadness
through struggle
through tears of pain and joy
through passion
through art
she was hit by a buss when she was 18 
in mexico city
an iron rod went through her va  jay jay (yikes!!)
and out her back
she wasnt supposed to live
let alone walk
but she did
after 8 months in a body cast
she married diego rivera 
then they got divorced
then they remarried...true soul mates
she had a miscarriage
she was in vogue
the last few years of her life
her leg was amputated
she finally had a show of her art in mexico city instead of all over the globe
she died in her late 40's
she was an artist because she suffer

all artists suffer in some way. thats why i relate to her most, through lifes torment.
we all suffer.

some photos of my day:

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