Thursday, September 8, 2011

'aint it the truth!!

"Have the courage to face the pure, unsweetened truth of ourselves so that we can move on and grow in more honest and authentic ways."

my friend jordan recently wrote in her blog (by the way, i hate the word, smog, log, bog...) about being constantly being on the quest of truth and clarity in our lives.

the truth is always in contaversey, such as the battle between religions of who "has the truth" about god and spirituality, between democtats and republicans. we see this clash all the time!! abortion is bad, choice is good, dont tax, tax, guns, arms are for hugging, dont ask dont tell, same sex ,marraige rights, abstinance, use a condom!! is there no one universal truth?? does everyones personal truth contradict the laws of the universe?? what is one thing we agree on?? i suppose be nice to people and dont talk with your mouth full....but in some cultures its acceptable to talk with your mouth full so i guess its just be nice to people.

but the thing is, its hard to be nice to people. people are stupid, we are constantly screwing up and asking for second chances. and sometimes people are just being assholes which makes it just plain hard to overlook their faults and just be kind.

its hard to be nice to ourselves also. its so hard to find truth within your own personal being. who knows, martin luther king jr might have looked in the mirror and said "i hate how self centered i can be" when he had such a beautiful soul and gave his life for african american equality. marilyn monroe was so beautiful and talented, yet she could not find the truth in her self what a special person she was and except herself. its so weird how we do this, we judge so much.

i am definately contemplative on what these universal truths are. i feel that everyone is beautiful in their own way, even ann coulter. but why cant i see myself as others do?? i dont like myself. well sometimes i love myself, and sometimes i drive myself crazy!! but i suppose no matter how much you internally struggle you must always continue to seek and grow. no matter how tough the road gets!!!!!!

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